Grand Theft Auto 3

GTA 3 Karakterek

A GTA részek során, mindig is nagy, rangos hely volt kibérelve a szereplők számára. Az előző részekben a karakterek nem látszódtak (kivéve a fejük), és a hangjuk sem volt említésre méltó. Ám minden részhez kiadtak pár artwork-öt, amiből rájöhettünk, hogy ha a fejlesztőknek lett volna pénzük ezeknek a teljes karaktereknek a játékba illesztésére, akkor újabb jó pontot írhatnánk jóvá a játéknak. A GTA 3-ban már más lett a helyzet. A fejlesztők nem féltek a karakterek szinkronhangjaihoz, a leghíresebb, legnagyobb amerikai sztárok (film, zene, stb.) segítségét, hangját kérni. Ezzel a játék készítői egy hatalmas előnyt szereztek a nagy riválissal, a Driver sorozat első részeivel szemben. (A híres szinkronhangokról és a főbb jellemzőikről, a „szinkronhangok” menüpontban találtok egy jó kis összeállítást.)

1; Claude Speed(figo): Ő a játék főszereplője. Claude egy igen ügyes bankrabló, akinek eddig sosem gyűlt meg a baja a rendőrséggel. A csajokkal viszont annál jobban hadilábon áll. Előző barátnője, Catalina, egy nagyon egyszerű mozdulattal, egy bankrablás végén lelövi őt. Ugyan nem hal meg, ám a rendőrök fogságába kerül. Szerencsére a szintén „magas fordulatszámon” forgó bűnöző, 8-Ball társaságába kerül, akinek megvannak a maga ismeretségei, így hamar olajra léphetünk vele. Ugyanis amikor egyszer a Staunton Bridge közepén kocsikázunk a zsernyákokkal, a barátai egy bombát dobnak ki a hídra, ezzel a mi szabadságunkat bebiztosítva. (a későbbiekben ezért tátong a híd közepén az a hatalmas lyuk, és ezért nem tudunk átjutni a másik szigetre, legalábbis amíg meg nem javítják azt) 8-ball a későbbiekben pártfogója lesz főhősünknek, és együtt újra átveszik az uralmat, Liberty City (New York) bűnös utcái fölött.

2; 8-ball

3; Catalina

4; Toni Cipriani

5; Luigi Goterelli

6; Joey Leone

7; Kenji Kasen

8; Salvatore Leone

9; Asuka Kasen

10; Donald Love

11; Maria

12; Ray Machowski

GTA 3 Cheats

When you want some fun or if you are simply crap

All cheats to be entered during normal gameplay. No pause or secret menu needed.

The nasty Limbs cheat won’t display the usual “Cheat Code Activated” sign, but it should work nonetheless. The pedestrian boxing code changes the plane physics to the cars. This means the cars can take off and glide at higher speeds. Nifty, eh?

There are no cheat codes so far to advance in the game. So don’t come whining for a cheat code to unlock all the maps.

Some of these cheats are not clean, meaning they can be entered and activated, but they don’t come off by reinserting the code. Or otherwise these cheats can have an unwanted side effect. These include the Tank, People fight each other, all people hate you, crazy people, people fistfight each other, blow up all cars and flying car cheat. Don’t enter these cheats and then save the game.

IMG = Digital Pad Down
IMG = Digital Pad Left
IMG = Digital Pad Up
IMG = Digital Pad Right
IMG = Circle Button
IMG = Cross Button
IMG = Square Button
IMG = Triangle Button
IMG = Rear Left Button 1
IMG= Rear Left Button 2
IMG= Rear Right Button 1
IMG= Rear Right Button 2Weather



Invisible Cars:IMGIMGIMGIMGIMGIMGIMG [Submitted by Glenn J Knight]




Slow Down Game:IMGIMGIMGIMGIMGIMGIMG (Can be entered multiple times to add to the effect – Maximum of 3 times) [Submitted by Glenn J Knight]
Speed Up Game:IMGIMGIMGIMGIMGIMGIMG (Can be entered multiple times to add to the effect – Maximum of 3 times – Not the same as the speed up time cheat) [Submitted by Glenn J Knight]




ECB26E481445B464– (M) Must Be On
4C21D436145625DD– Infinite Health
4C21D43A145625DD– Infinite Armour
3C21D4F81456E7A6– Baseball Bat
3C21D40C1456E7A7– Handgun
4C21D4141456E788– Infinite Handgun Ammo
4C21D4181456E404– Infinite Handgun Ammo
3C21D4201456E7A8– Uzi
4C21D7281456E788– Infinite Uzi Ammo
4C21D72C1456E404– Infinite Uzi Ammo (Alternative)
3C21D7341456E7A1– Shotgun
4C21D7401456E788– Infinite Shotgun Ammo
4C21D7441456E404– Infinite Shotgun Ammo (Alternative)
3C21D7481456E7A2– AK47
4C21D7501456E788– Infinite AK47 Ammo
4C21D7541456E404– Infinite AK47 Ammo (Alternative)
3C21D75C1456E7A3– M16
4C21D7641456E788– Infinite M16 Ammo
4C21D7681456E404– Infinite M16 Ammo (Alternative)
3C21D7701456E7A4– Sniper Rifle
4C21D77C1456E404– Infnite Sniper Rifle Ammo
3C21D7841456E79D– Rocket Launcher
4C21D7901456E788– Infinite Rockets
3C21D7981456E79E– Flamethrower
4C21D7A01456E788– Infinite Flamethrower Ammo
4C21D7A41456E788– Infinite Flamethrower Ammo (Alternative)
3C21D7AC1456E79F– Molotovs
4C21D7B81456E788– Infinite Molotovs
3C21D7C01456E7A0– Grenades
4C21D7CC1456E788– Infinite Grenades
3CC887581456E781– All Weapons Available At Safehouse. Exit the safehouse area until the pager goes off.
1C8B3B9815F6E79D– All Weapons Available At Safehouse. (Alternative)
1C8B3B9C1456E7A5– Firemen Don’t Get Out
1C8B4A4815F6E79D– Firemen Don’t Get Out (Alternative)
1C8B4A4C1456E7A5– Medics Don’t Get Out
1CBDACF815F6E79D– Medics Don’t Get Out (Alternative)
1CBDACFC1456E7A5– You’re Never Wanted
1C8EB5C815F6E79D– You’re Never Wanted (Alternative)
1C8EB5CC1456E7A5– No Damage in Cars
1CC8875017E9C70C– No Damage in Cars (Alternative)
1CC8875417E9C70C– Heaps of Cash

GTA 3 Areas

Take a stroll around Liberty City from the comfort of your chair…

Liberty City, the hometown of Grand Theft Auto 3 is split up into three islands. Portland, Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale. As Liberty City is loosely based on New York City, the three districts can be compared to Brooklyn, Manhattan and New Jersey respectively.


Portland artwork

Portland is Liberty City’s industrial zone. Here you can find the docks, including various import/export businesses you can get involved with, a red light district packed with working girls walking the streets and the Triad-controlled Chinatown.

As this is not an affluent area, vehicles around here tend to be old and slow, while the best cars are driven by the ruling gangs. The area is home to the Triads and the Mafia and you may find yourself caught up in the ongoing turf wars.

Portland is isolated from the rest of the city at the beginning of the game due to a damaged bridge so you have plenty of time to explore. Remember to make the most of it – in your line of work, the gangs may not tolerate your presence on their turf for long…


Portland docks

Staunton Island

Staunton artwork

Staunton is the commercial centre of Liberty City. Filled with sky scrapers, it’s the home of the headquarters of Love Media and other large corporations. Business is good in Staunton – you’ll see hard-working, law-abiding citizens travelling to and from Staunton each day.

At the northern end of the island lies the Liberty City Cocks stadium, next to the university at Liberty Campus and a vast construction site at Fort Staunton. There is a diverse mix of people here in Staunton – shoppers and businessmen in the center, boisterous football fans, diligent students and camp construction workers. And of course, the gangs – the YakuzaYardies and Cartel all have turf here so watch your back!

Choice of vehicles is much improved in this area with plenty of fast, good-looking cars available for your jacking pleasure. And not just cars – with access to the piers you can steal a boat and cruise around Portland and Staunton. Shoreside Vale remains blocked off by a raised pipeline above the water.

Belleville Park

Commercial district

Shoreside Vale

Shoreside Vale artwork

Shoreside Vale is the rich suburbs of Liberty City. It includes an airport (Francis International), villas and private homes for the rich. You’ll find fast, expensive cars all around this island. But of course, nowhere is perfect and this island holds turf for the Cartel and the Hoods.

The island is split in two – the western side has a more industrial feel whereas the eastern side is entirely residential. The two areas are joined by the Cochrane Dam. Crossing between either island can be troublesome when you’re unfamiliar with the area.

Properties in Shoreside Vale
tend to be a bit pricey

Overlooking Shoreshide Vale