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Given the choice, who will you start Grand Theft Auto 6 with: Jason or Lucia?

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GTA Vice City Csalások

A Rockstar Games legendás Grand Theft Auto: Vice City játékában felhasználható összes csalás a következő. A következő GTA: Vice City jelszavak segítenek gyorsabban teljesíteni a küldetéseket, és átadni azokat a küldetéseket, amelyeket nehezen teljesít. Ugyanakkor szórakoztató trükkökkel jobban élvezheti a játékot. A következő csalások a játék megújult The Definitive Edition remastered verziójában és a klasszikus verzióban érvényesek.

Csaláshasználat: A GTA: Vice City PC csalókódok aktiválásához a játékban írd be az alábbi csalókódokat a játék során.

Rendőrség, fegyverek, egészségügy és páncélzat
Csalás HatásKulcskombináció
Fegyvercsomag 1THUGSTOOLS
Fegyvercsomag 2PROFI ESZKÖZÖK
Fegyvercsomag 3NUTTERTOOLS
Növeli a rendőrségi keresés szintjét.NEM ÉLEL
Megszöksz a rendőrség elől.HAGYJON BÉKÉN
A nők követnek téged.FANNYMAGNET

Csalás HatásKulcskombináció
Megváltoztatja a típusát.MINDIG SZERETTE ÖLTOZÁS
Ricarda Diaz típussal játszol.CHEATSHAVEBEENREPEED
Lance Vance típusként játszol.KITEKINTÉS
Ken Rosenberg típusként játszol.MYSONISALWYER
Hilary King típusként játszol.ILOOKLIKEHILARY
A Love Fist (Jezz) típussal játszol.ROCKANDROLLMAN
A Love Fist (Dick) típussal játszol.WELOVEOURDICK
Phil Cassidy típussal játszol.EGY Fegyveres bandita
Sonny Forelli típusú ház vélemények.IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY
A Mercedes típussal játszol.FOXYLITTLEDING
Candy Suxxx típussal játszol.IWANT BIGTITS

Csalás HatásKulcskombináció
Bloodring Banger vintage versenyautó 1UTAZÁSI STÍLUS
Bloodring Banger Vintage Racer 2GYORSAN ELÉRT
Sabre Turbo versenyautóGYERE EL
Hotring Racer Racing Car 1ELKÉPZŐDŐEN GYORSAN
Hotring Racer Racing Car 2GYERE MINDENKÉPPEN
Romero halottaskocsijaTHELASTRIDE
Trashmaster SzemeteskocsiRUBBISHCAR
Caddy golfkocsiJOBB, MINT SÉTA
Szerelem Fist LimousinesROCKANDROLLCAR
Felrobbantani az összes járművetNAGY DURRANÁS
Minden jármű rózsaszínűvé válik.FODRÁSZÁRÓ
Minden jármű feketévé válik.FEKETE FESTÉST AKAROK
Repülő autókREPÜLJ VELEM
Repülő csónakokLÉGHAJÓ
Jobb járművezérlés.MINDENT GRIPISE
A közlekedési lámpák zöldre váltanak.ZÖLD FÉNY
Járműve vízre is mehet.TENGERI UTAK
Csak a járművek kerekei látszanak.KERÉKVONALOZOTT
A sportautók kerekei nagyobbak lesznek.LOADSOFITTLETHINGS
Nők szállnak be az autójába.HOPINGIRL

Időjárás és idő
Csalás HatásKulcskombináció
Ködös időjárásLÉPÉS
Felgyorsítja az órát.ÉLETMÉRŐMEBY
Felgyorsítja a játékot.ONSPEED
Lelassítja a játékot.BOOOOOORING
Csalás HatásKulcskombináció
Az emberek botozni kezdik egymást.FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT
Az emberek utálnak téged.SENKI SE KEDVEL ENGEM
Az embereknek fegyverük van.ISTEN JOGONK A Fegyverekhez
A nőknek fegyverük van.CHICKSWITHGUNS
A média szintjét mutatja. (2 csillag után)CHASESTAT

GTA 3 Karakterek

A GTA részek során, mindig is nagy, rangos hely volt kibérelve a szereplők számára. Az előző részekben a karakterek nem látszódtak (kivéve a fejük), és a hangjuk sem volt említésre méltó. Ám minden részhez kiadtak pár artwork-öt, amiből rájöhettünk, hogy ha a fejlesztőknek lett volna pénzük ezeknek a teljes karaktereknek a játékba illesztésére, akkor újabb jó pontot írhatnánk jóvá a játéknak. A GTA 3-ban már más lett a helyzet. A fejlesztők nem féltek a karakterek szinkronhangjaihoz, a leghíresebb, legnagyobb amerikai sztárok (film, zene, stb.) segítségét, hangját kérni. Ezzel a játék készítői egy hatalmas előnyt szereztek a nagy riválissal, a Driver sorozat első részeivel szemben. (A híres szinkronhangokról és a főbb jellemzőikről, a „szinkronhangok” menüpontban találtok egy jó kis összeállítást.)

1; Claude Speed(figo): Ő a játék főszereplője. Claude egy igen ügyes bankrabló, akinek eddig sosem gyűlt meg a baja a rendőrséggel. A csajokkal viszont annál jobban hadilábon áll. Előző barátnője, Catalina, egy nagyon egyszerű mozdulattal, egy bankrablás végén lelövi őt. Ugyan nem hal meg, ám a rendőrök fogságába kerül. Szerencsére a szintén „magas fordulatszámon” forgó bűnöző, 8-Ball társaságába kerül, akinek megvannak a maga ismeretségei, így hamar olajra léphetünk vele. Ugyanis amikor egyszer a Staunton Bridge közepén kocsikázunk a zsernyákokkal, a barátai egy bombát dobnak ki a hídra, ezzel a mi szabadságunkat bebiztosítva. (a későbbiekben ezért tátong a híd közepén az a hatalmas lyuk, és ezért nem tudunk átjutni a másik szigetre, legalábbis amíg meg nem javítják azt) 8-ball a későbbiekben pártfogója lesz főhősünknek, és együtt újra átveszik az uralmat, Liberty City (New York) bűnös utcái fölött.

2; 8-ball

3; Catalina

4; Toni Cipriani

5; Luigi Goterelli

6; Joey Leone

7; Kenji Kasen

8; Salvatore Leone

9; Asuka Kasen

10; Donald Love

11; Maria

12; Ray Machowski

GTA 3 Cheats

When you want some fun or if you are simply crap

All cheats to be entered during normal gameplay. No pause or secret menu needed.

The nasty Limbs cheat won’t display the usual “Cheat Code Activated” sign, but it should work nonetheless. The pedestrian boxing code changes the plane physics to the cars. This means the cars can take off and glide at higher speeds. Nifty, eh?

There are no cheat codes so far to advance in the game. So don’t come whining for a cheat code to unlock all the maps.

Some of these cheats are not clean, meaning they can be entered and activated, but they don’t come off by reinserting the code. Or otherwise these cheats can have an unwanted side effect. These include the Tank, People fight each other, all people hate you, crazy people, people fistfight each other, blow up all cars and flying car cheat. Don’t enter these cheats and then save the game.

IMG = Digital Pad Down
IMG = Digital Pad Left
IMG = Digital Pad Up
IMG = Digital Pad Right
IMG = Circle Button
IMG = Cross Button
IMG = Square Button
IMG = Triangle Button
IMG = Rear Left Button 1
IMG= Rear Left Button 2
IMG= Rear Right Button 1
IMG= Rear Right Button 2Weather



Invisible Cars:IMGIMGIMGIMGIMGIMGIMG [Submitted by Glenn J Knight]




Slow Down Game:IMGIMGIMGIMGIMGIMGIMG (Can be entered multiple times to add to the effect – Maximum of 3 times) [Submitted by Glenn J Knight]
Speed Up Game:IMGIMGIMGIMGIMGIMGIMG (Can be entered multiple times to add to the effect – Maximum of 3 times – Not the same as the speed up time cheat) [Submitted by Glenn J Knight]




ECB26E481445B464– (M) Must Be On
4C21D436145625DD– Infinite Health
4C21D43A145625DD– Infinite Armour
3C21D4F81456E7A6– Baseball Bat
3C21D40C1456E7A7– Handgun
4C21D4141456E788– Infinite Handgun Ammo
4C21D4181456E404– Infinite Handgun Ammo
3C21D4201456E7A8– Uzi
4C21D7281456E788– Infinite Uzi Ammo
4C21D72C1456E404– Infinite Uzi Ammo (Alternative)
3C21D7341456E7A1– Shotgun
4C21D7401456E788– Infinite Shotgun Ammo
4C21D7441456E404– Infinite Shotgun Ammo (Alternative)
3C21D7481456E7A2– AK47
4C21D7501456E788– Infinite AK47 Ammo
4C21D7541456E404– Infinite AK47 Ammo (Alternative)
3C21D75C1456E7A3– M16
4C21D7641456E788– Infinite M16 Ammo
4C21D7681456E404– Infinite M16 Ammo (Alternative)
3C21D7701456E7A4– Sniper Rifle
4C21D77C1456E404– Infnite Sniper Rifle Ammo
3C21D7841456E79D– Rocket Launcher
4C21D7901456E788– Infinite Rockets
3C21D7981456E79E– Flamethrower
4C21D7A01456E788– Infinite Flamethrower Ammo
4C21D7A41456E788– Infinite Flamethrower Ammo (Alternative)
3C21D7AC1456E79F– Molotovs
4C21D7B81456E788– Infinite Molotovs
3C21D7C01456E7A0– Grenades
4C21D7CC1456E788– Infinite Grenades
3CC887581456E781– All Weapons Available At Safehouse. Exit the safehouse area until the pager goes off.
1C8B3B9815F6E79D– All Weapons Available At Safehouse. (Alternative)
1C8B3B9C1456E7A5– Firemen Don’t Get Out
1C8B4A4815F6E79D– Firemen Don’t Get Out (Alternative)
1C8B4A4C1456E7A5– Medics Don’t Get Out
1CBDACF815F6E79D– Medics Don’t Get Out (Alternative)
1CBDACFC1456E7A5– You’re Never Wanted
1C8EB5C815F6E79D– You’re Never Wanted (Alternative)
1C8EB5CC1456E7A5– No Damage in Cars
1CC8875017E9C70C– No Damage in Cars (Alternative)
1CC8875417E9C70C– Heaps of Cash

GTA 3 Areas

Take a stroll around Liberty City from the comfort of your chair…

Liberty City, the hometown of Grand Theft Auto 3 is split up into three islands. Portland, Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale. As Liberty City is loosely based on New York City, the three districts can be compared to Brooklyn, Manhattan and New Jersey respectively.


Portland artwork

Portland is Liberty City’s industrial zone. Here you can find the docks, including various import/export businesses you can get involved with, a red light district packed with working girls walking the streets and the Triad-controlled Chinatown.

As this is not an affluent area, vehicles around here tend to be old and slow, while the best cars are driven by the ruling gangs. The area is home to the Triads and the Mafia and you may find yourself caught up in the ongoing turf wars.

Portland is isolated from the rest of the city at the beginning of the game due to a damaged bridge so you have plenty of time to explore. Remember to make the most of it – in your line of work, the gangs may not tolerate your presence on their turf for long…


Portland docks

Staunton Island

Staunton artwork

Staunton is the commercial centre of Liberty City. Filled with sky scrapers, it’s the home of the headquarters of Love Media and other large corporations. Business is good in Staunton – you’ll see hard-working, law-abiding citizens travelling to and from Staunton each day.

At the northern end of the island lies the Liberty City Cocks stadium, next to the university at Liberty Campus and a vast construction site at Fort Staunton. There is a diverse mix of people here in Staunton – shoppers and businessmen in the center, boisterous football fans, diligent students and camp construction workers. And of course, the gangs – the YakuzaYardies and Cartel all have turf here so watch your back!

Choice of vehicles is much improved in this area with plenty of fast, good-looking cars available for your jacking pleasure. And not just cars – with access to the piers you can steal a boat and cruise around Portland and Staunton. Shoreside Vale remains blocked off by a raised pipeline above the water.

Belleville Park

Commercial district

Shoreside Vale

Shoreside Vale artwork

Shoreside Vale is the rich suburbs of Liberty City. It includes an airport (Francis International), villas and private homes for the rich. You’ll find fast, expensive cars all around this island. But of course, nowhere is perfect and this island holds turf for the Cartel and the Hoods.

The island is split in two – the western side has a more industrial feel whereas the eastern side is entirely residential. The two areas are joined by the Cochrane Dam. Crossing between either island can be troublesome when you’re unfamiliar with the area.

Properties in Shoreside Vale
tend to be a bit pricey

Overlooking Shoreshide Vale

Vice City Store Robbery

I think a lot of people have noticed that there are shops in the game where there’s a vendor but you can’t buy anything. These shops will be used for a mission, which is to rob shops. In Vice City, there are 15 shops in total, some of which are indicated on the map (tool shop) and some of which are not.

  • It’s relatively a challenging task because it’s quite complicated and the robbery doesn’t always turn out the way you want it to. All you have to do is go into one of these shops and point your gun at the shopkeeper. 4 things can happen:
  • After 3 seconds, he puts $250 on the table and you can walk out without a round. This is not so good if you’re at the beginning since you can make more money from the heists, so you might as well stay there for now.
  • Again, put $250 on the table and you’re $500 richer. At this point you get a star, which I don’t mind as you can escape easily.
  • Again he puts +$250 on the table so you are now $750 richer. Now you’ve got 2 stars, which makes it a little harder.
  • He puts down the final amount, which is also $250 and you can walk out of the deal with $1000 at Circulation Level 3.

These are the better cases. There’s also when you talk to the store, point the gun at him, and immediately sound the alarm money is nowhere but, 2 star BOLO’s are there. If you rob all 15 stores well and smartly, you get $15,000 at best, which is pretty good to start with. At worst, you only get $3750. That’s still a nice amount but it’s better to go for the $15,000 at the beginning. Please note that you can only rob a store once! Now let’s see those 15 shops described in detail:

  1. Bunch Of Tools tool store, Washington beach

This shop is the easiest to find because you have to drive this way many times and the map shows it. For those who don’t know, it’s at the end of the bridge when you cross the east bridge at Starfish Island. If you’ve robbed the store, there will be a vehicle parked out there that’s always there, and you can use it to get there.

  1. Vice Point, jewelry store

There was a mission back in the early days where a chick came out of the store and you had to kill her to make it look like an accident. Now you have to go to that jewelry store. It’s a bit of a difficult location but, for those who have Vice Point or the mission, it should be an easy task. Nearby is a Pay ‘n’ Spray where you can paint your vehicle quickly.

  1. Vice Point, pharmacy

There is a nice paved sidewalk on this street where the store is located so I don’t think it will be hard to find. There’s a house near it that you just have to head north from and there it is. In the street next to the banana shaped building.

4 Vice Point, grocery store

Located next to the pharmacy on the east street. The store is painted orange and there are stairs leading up to the store. This is the street from which the north bridge leaves towards the film studio.

  1. North Point Mall, jewelry store

This store is in the mall. The mall is easy to find but the store is more difficult. The store is in the north east wing. It may be easier in that you had to do a mission here when you had to break the glass.

  1. North Point Mall, record store

The record store is upstairs in the middle of the east wing. It is written in big pink letters. It is also surrounded by a lot of glass.

  1. North Point Mall, tool shop

This shop is also marked on the map. It is located right next to the gun shop. It is located on the northeast side.

  1. North Point Mall, clothing store

This is also on the ground floor. It is on the south side of the mall. The store has a sign that says “Gash”. Lots of glass surrounds the ground floor and upstairs. You can also approach it from upstairs as the store has a staircase. Also, there is even a dress shop, which if you take it over, the cops are not circling.

Downtown 9, pharmacy

There are several shops in this area. This one is just around the bend from the pizzeria. The store also has a life and toy dispenser.

  1. Downtown, jewellery shop

Exit the pharmacy and head north, almost opposite the pizzeria, this store is on the right. Rob both stores, then hop on a vehicle and drive north towards the property you bought where you can save, change clothes, and there are some weapons and a helicopter to take to the next store.

  1. Little Havana, 24/7

The building across from the police station, which is around the corner. There’s also a hidden package here.

  1. Little Havana, tool shop

Coming out of the previous shop, head west towards the car salon and then you will find it almost opposite an intersection. If you can’t get here, look at the map as it is marked there.

  1. Little Havana, Cafe Robina

I don’t think I need to introduce you to this one. This shop is located on a corner. North of the car salon. Many missions started here. Once you’ve robbed it, head one north because there’s a small passageway and then in the passageway, you’ll find a star that you’re advised to pick up.

  1. Little Havana, Laundry

From Robina’s cafe, go through the passage and then at the end of the street, on the corner, there is a clothes. There you will find the laundry. Once you’ve robbed it, pick up the clothes and come to the last shop.

  1. Little Haiti, pharmacy

This one is going to be a bit more difficult fun, as if you don’t get on good terms with the Haitian gang, they will shoot at you in a hodgepodge so it will be quite a challenge. Quickly rob the shop, pick up the life and slow down (recommended) then quickly go to the car painter and you’re done with 15 shop robberies.

GTA Vice City Rádiók

Zde se můžete podívat na všechny radové stanice ve hře. Vše je bráno přímo ze hry, proto se omlouvám za případné překlepy.

1) Wildstyle

Mr. Magic propůjčuje svůj hlas moderátorovi rádia, aby oslovil všechny mladé lidi ve Vice city s touto lehkou a nijak namáhavou hudbou.

Wildstyle DJ Intro
Rockit – Herbie Hancock
The Message – Grandmaster Flash
Bounce To The Ounce – Zapp & Roger
Wildstyle DJ Mr Magic
One For The Treble Vocal Mix – Davy Dmx
Bassline – Mantronix
Wildstyle DJ Halftime
Hip Hop Bee Bop – Man Parrish
Al-Naafiysh (The Soul) – Hashim
Clear – Cybotron
Wildstyle DJ 3rd Quarter
Perfect Beat – Afrika Bambaataa
Wildstyle DJ Mr Magic Premier
Rock Box – Run Dmc
The Breaks – Kurtis Blow
Wildstyle Dj Mr Magic Super Blast
MagicS Wand – Whodini
Wildstyle Dj Outro
Maibatsu Thunder

2) Flash FM

Další lehčí hudba, kterou do vašich repráčků pouští  mladá dáma – Toni.

DJ Toni Introduction
Out Of Touch – Hall & Oates
4 Little Diamonds – Electric Light
Billie Jean – Michael Jackson
Your Love – The Outfield
Lifes What You Make It – Talk Talk
Run To You – Bryan Adams
Dance Hall Days – Wang Chung
DJ Toni Mid Party Announcement
Call Me – Go West
With The Night – Lionel Richie
Self Control – Laura Branigan
Kiss the Dirt – Inxs
Owner Of A Lonely Heart – Yes
DJ Toni Outro
Blox Radio Commercial
Just The Five Of Us
DJ Toni Studio Tantrum

3) Fewer 105

Černošský DJ Biscuit na rádiu vám pouští muziku jako Michael Jackson, … . Prostě další pohodový rádio.

DJ Oliver “Ladykiller” Biscuit Introduction
Startin Somethin – Michael Jackson
Automatic – The Pointer Sisters
Act Like You Know – Fat Larrys Band
Juicy Fruit – Mtume
Behind The Groove – Teena Marie
DJ Oliver “Ladykiller” Biscuit Halftime
Get Down Saturday Night
Ghetto Life
Shame – Evelyne “Champagne” King
All Night Long – Mary Jane Girls
Summer Madness – Kool & The Gang
I will Be Good – Angela Winbush & Rene Moore
And The Beat Goes On
Dj Oliver “Ladykiller” Biscuit Outro
Yuppie And The Alien
Dj Oliver “Ladykiller” Biscuit Lovetips

4) V – rock

Trochu tvrdší hudba, prostě rock a hard rock, nic víc. Dj je Lazlow

Much like the real NYC, the sale and ownership of firearms in Liberty City is pretty much illegal. But just as it is with real life gangsters and such, Niko and friends don’t seem to mind breaking the law in order to arm themselves. Keeping in line with the political reality satirized by the game, the Ammu-Nation shops found in previous GTAs have been closed down. Taking their place, however, are a number of underground gun shops located in basements and alleys around the city. Better yet, if you gain enough respect from Little Jacob, you can call him up and he’ll meet you nearby with a trunk full of weapons at a reduced price.



Basis:Glock 17
Capacity:17Reload:2 sec
Damage:25Rate:200 rpm

Developed in the ’80s by Austrian engineer, Gaston Glock, the eponymous pistol went on to become the world’s most popular civilian and law enforcement sidearm. Thanks to its polymer frame and simple, internal striker-fired mechanism, the Glock is both lightweight and extremely durable.

Combat Pistol

Combat Pistol

Basis:Desert Eagle
Capacity:9Reload:2 sec
Damage:40Rate:200 rpm

In 1979, Magnum Research Inc. set out to create the first gas-operated, magnum-caliber pistol. While the end product is generally considered too heavy and expensive to serve as a practical combat pistol, it hasn’t stopped the Desert Eagle from becoming the weapon of choice for Hollywood (and video game) bad guys.



Basis:Micro Uzi
Capacity:50Reload:2.2 sec
Damage:20Rate:650 rpm

The smallest member of the Uzi family was introduced by Israel Military Industries in 1986 as a security weapon to fill the gap between pistols and fill-size submachine guns. It lacks a bit in the accuracy department due to its short barrel, but the extreme rate of fire and capacity make up the difference.



Basis:SW MP-10
Capacity:30Reload:1.7 sec
Damage:20Rate:650 rpm

The Special Weapons MP-10 (also known as the PXP-10) is essentially an MP5 clone with a custom polymer upper. Not much is really known about it, as it’s apparently made in very small numbers by an equally small and mysterious company.

Pump Shotgun

Pump Shotgun

Basis:Winchester 1300
Capacity:8Reload:2.9 sec
Damage:20*Rate:50 rpm

Based roughly on the classic Remington model 870, the Winchester 1300 line is also known as the “Speed Pump” series thanks to the short, fast cycling of the action. This feature has made the shotgun popular for both sporting and security purposes.

Combat Shotgun

Combat Shotgun

Basis:Beretta 1201 (?)
Capacity:10Reload:2.9 sec
Damage:10*Rate:150 rpm

This seems to be based on the Baretta 1201 FP, but with the barrel of a military Remington 870..

Assault Rifle

Assault Rifle

Capacity:30Reload:2.1 sec
Damage:30Rate:450 rpm

Even after sixty years, Mikhail Kalashnikov’s legendary AK-47 rifle is still a hard act to follow; both in reliability and popularity. Created with mass production in mind, the simple design and loose clearances resulted in a rifle that’s practically indestructible, and that will remain functional with little maintenance or cleaning.

Carbine Rifle


Basis:M4 Carbine
Capacity:30Reload:2.1 sec
Damage:30Rate:450 rpm

Despite some teething problems with the earlier M16 variant during the Vietnam War, Eugene Stoner’s 1958 AR-15 design went on to become one of the most popular and versatile rifles in the world. Given its light weight and compact size, the M4 carbine comes in handy for urban combat and police work.

Sniper Rifle

Sniper Rifle

Capacity:5Reload:1.3 sec
Damage:75Rate:55 rpm

The M40A1 started its life as a Remington 700, and was then customized by the US Marine Corps to fit their sniping needs. Strangely enough, the one in the game appears to have been further customized to use an external 10 round magazine, yet it only holds 5.

Combat Sniper

Capacity:10Reload:2.1 sec
Damage:75Rate:170 rpm

The PSG-1 is one of the most accurate, yet heaviest and most expensive semi-automatic sniper rifles created. An overpriced piece of stamped steel German engineering; it does the job. You’ll have too much money to ever spend by the end of the game anyway.



Capacity:1Reload:2.1 sec

This classic anti-tank, rocket propelled grenade launcher was first used by the Soviets back in 1961. It’s remained popular ever since because of its durability and low cost.






Basis:Mk2 grenade







Much like the real NYC, the sale and ownership of firearms in Liberty City is pretty much illegal. But just as it is with real life gangsters and such, Niko and friends don’t seem to mind breaking the law in order to arm themselves. Keeping in line with the political reality satirized by the game, the Ammu-Nation shops found in previous GTAs have been closed down. Taking their place, however, are a number of underground gun shops located in basements and alleys around the city. Better yet, if you gain enough respect from Little Jacob, you can call him up and he’ll meet you nearby with a trunk full of weapons at a reduced price.



Basis:Glock 17
Capacity:17Reload:2 sec
Damage:25Rate:200 rpm

Developed in the ’80s by Austrian engineer, Gaston Glock, the eponymous pistol went on to become the world’s most popular civilian and law enforcement sidearm. Thanks to its polymer frame and simple, internal striker-fired mechanism, the Glock is both lightweight and extremely durable.

Combat Pistol

Combat Pistol

Basis:Desert Eagle
Capacity:9Reload:2 sec
Damage:40Rate:200 rpm

In 1979, Magnum Research Inc. set out to create the first gas-operated, magnum-caliber pistol. While the end product is generally considered too heavy and expensive to serve as a practical combat pistol, it hasn’t stopped the Desert Eagle from becoming the weapon of choice for Hollywood (and video game) bad guys.



Basis:Micro Uzi
Capacity:50Reload:2.2 sec
Damage:20Rate:650 rpm

The smallest member of the Uzi family was introduced by Israel Military Industries in 1986 as a security weapon to fill the gap between pistols and fill-size submachine guns. It lacks a bit in the accuracy department due to its short barrel, but the extreme rate of fire and capacity make up the difference.



Basis:SW MP-10
Capacity:30Reload:1.7 sec
Damage:20Rate:650 rpm

The Special Weapons MP-10 (also known as the PXP-10) is essentially an MP5 clone with a custom polymer upper. Not much is really known about it, as it’s apparently made in very small numbers by an equally small and mysterious company.

Pump Shotgun

Pump Shotgun

Basis:Winchester 1300
Capacity:8Reload:2.9 sec
Damage:20*Rate:50 rpm

Based roughly on the classic Remington model 870, the Winchester 1300 line is also known as the “Speed Pump” series thanks to the short, fast cycling of the action. This feature has made the shotgun popular for both sporting and security purposes.

Combat Shotgun

Combat Shotgun

Basis:Beretta 1201 (?)
Capacity:10Reload:2.9 sec
Damage:10*Rate:150 rpm

This seems to be based on the Baretta 1201 FP, but with the barrel of a military Remington 870..

Assault Rifle

Assault Rifle

Capacity:30Reload:2.1 sec
Damage:30Rate:450 rpm

Even after sixty years, Mikhail Kalashnikov’s legendary AK-47 rifle is still a hard act to follow; both in reliability and popularity. Created with mass production in mind, the simple design and loose clearances resulted in a rifle that’s practically indestructible, and that will remain functional with little maintenance or cleaning.

Carbine Rifle


Basis:M4 Carbine
Capacity:30Reload:2.1 sec
Damage:30Rate:450 rpm

Despite some teething problems with the earlier M16 variant during the Vietnam War, Eugene Stoner’s 1958 AR-15 design went on to become one of the most popular and versatile rifles in the world. Given its light weight and compact size, the M4 carbine comes in handy for urban combat and police work.

Sniper Rifle

Sniper Rifle

Capacity:5Reload:1.3 sec
Damage:75Rate:55 rpm

The M40A1 started its life as a Remington 700, and was then customized by the US Marine Corps to fit their sniping needs. Strangely enough, the one in the game appears to have been further customized to use an external 10 round magazine, yet it only holds 5.

Combat Sniper

Capacity:10Reload:2.1 sec
Damage:75Rate:170 rpm

The PSG-1 is one of the most accurate, yet heaviest and most expensive semi-automatic sniper rifles created. An overpriced piece of stamped steel German engineering; it does the job. You’ll have too much money to ever spend by the end of the game anyway.



Capacity:1Reload:2.1 sec

This classic anti-tank, rocket propelled grenade launcher was first used by the Soviets back in 1961. It’s remained popular ever since because of its durability and low cost.






Basis:Mk2 grenade







* Damage stats seem to work on a per projectile basis. Since buckshot spreads, actual damage would depend on the number of particles which hit the target.


TOmuhle nelze říct ani radio. Lidé sem volají a chlubí se se svými všedními problémy a ostatní jim pomáhají je vyřešit.

6) K chat

Další kecací rádio, kde můžete zastihnout na telefonu nějakou slavnou osobnost z Vice city a položit jí pár otázek.

7) Radio Espantoso

Příjemné latinsko americké rádio s tamějšími songy od DJ Pepeho.

Pepe Introduction
Super Strut – Deodato
A Gozar Con Mi Combo – Cachao
Me And You Baby – Mongo Santamaria
Mucho Mambo – Machito & Orchestra
Jamay – Xavier Cugat & His Orchestra
Pepe Intermission
Mama Papa Tu – Mongo Santamaria
La Vida es Una Lenteia – Unaesta
Expansions – Lonnie Liston Smith.
Aguanile – Irakere
Maracaibo Oriental – Beny More
Latin Flute – Deodato
Mambo Gozon – Tito Puente
Pepe Outro
Fernandos Medallion Ad.
Think Your Way To Success
Pepe Martial Rantina

8) Emotion

Jak už název vypovídá, hrají se zde písničky z lásky. Uvádí DJ Fernando.

DJ Fernando Intro
Africa – Toto
Crocketts Theme – Jan Hammer
Missing You – John Waite
(I Just) Died In Your Arms – Cutting Crew
Waiting For A Girl Like You – Foreigner
DJ Fernando Half Time
More Than This – Roxy Music
Tempted – Squeeze
Loving You – Reo Speedwagon
Sister Christian – Night Ranger
Never Too Much – Luther Vandross
Wow – Kate Bush
DJ Fernando Outro
Knife After Dark
Dj Fernando Tirade

9) Wave 103

Nová vlna písniček, které jsou moderní v této době. Přichází nový styl hraní a sním DJ Adam.

DJ Adam First Intro
Two Tribes – Frankie Goes To Hollywood
Pale Shelter – Tears For Fears
Kids In America – Kim Wilde
Atomic – Blondie
I Ran – A Flock Of Seagulls
Fascination – The Human League
DJ Adam First Halftime
99 Luftballons – Nena
Love My Way – The Psychedelic Furs
Gold – Spandau Ballet
Hyperactive! – Thomas Dolby
Never Say Never – Romeo Void
Sunglasses At Night – Corey Hart
DJ Adam First Outro
Sissy Spritz
Synth And Son
DJ Adam First Rant

Safe houses

Kine tudná, hogy amióta GTA a GTA, azóta vannak mentési helyek a sorozat részeiben. A felülnézetes GTA-knál ez még igen szegény volt, de az újabb, 3D-s GTA-knál már valósabb, általában különböző házak körüli mentésre alkalmas tárgyak voltak kitéve, melybe belelépve szabadon menthettünk. A San Andreas-ban ezeket a lentebb látható házakban rejtették el. Összesen 41 db búvóhely van a játékban, melyek közül sokat küldetések során, de a legtöbbet saját pénzünk feláldozásával kapunk meg. Némelyik ház körül, vagy éppen benne, a felvehető tárgyak összegyűjtése után fegyvereket találunk, ezeket ingyen, bármikor használhatjuk. Íme San Andreas mentési helyeinek kínálata, de előtte jöjjenek a fontosabb jelölések:

– Már megszerezhető, megvehető ház, jele: megveheto haz
– Még nem értél el addig a küldetésig, feladatig hogy megkapd ezt a házat, így ezt még nem vásárolhatod meg, jele: nem megveheto haz
– Saját mentőház, már megvetted, bármikor szabadon menthetsz benne, jele: mar a mienk es mehetunk menteni

Los Santos Búvóhelyek / Mentőházak

Megtalálhatóság: Willowfield déli részén
Ár: $10,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-

Verdant Bluffs
Megtalálhatóság: 1-2 utcányira a reptértől
Ár: $10,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: Dupla garázs, Barátnők képei
 verdant bluffs

Megtalálhatóság: Észak-keleten a Glen Park-nál.
Ár: $10,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-

Megtalálhatóság: Vinewood körül.
Ár: $120,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: Egy garázs, Barátnők képei

Verona Beach
Megtalálhatóság: Délen a strandnál.
Ár: $10,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: Barátnők képei

Santa Maria Beach
Megtalálhatóság: Los Santos délnyugati részén.
Ár: $30,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: Egy férőhelyes garázs, Barátnők képei

Palomino Creek
Megtalálhatóság:: A várostól nem messze, északnyugaton.
Ár: $35,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: Dupla, vagyis két férőhelyes garázs, Barátnők képei
palomino Creek 

Megtalálhatóság: Nyugaton, Blueberry-nél.
Ár: $10,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-

Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $40,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: Egy férőhelyes garázs

San Fierroi Búvóhelyek / Mentőházak

Angel Pine
Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $20,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-
angel pine 

Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $100,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-

Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $40,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: Három személyes garázs

Location: Driving School-lal szemben.
Ár: $20,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-

Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $50,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-

Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $20,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-

Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $20,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: Egy férőhelyes garázs

Calton Heights
Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $100,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: Egy férőhelyes garázs, Barátnők képei
calton heights 

Las Venturas-i Búvóhelyek / Mentőházak

El Quebradas
Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $20,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-
el quebradas 

Tierra Robada
Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $20,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-
tierra robeda 

Fort Carson
Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $30,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: Egy férőhelyes garázs
fort carson 

Whitewood Estates
Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $30,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: Dupla, vagyis két férőhelyes garázs, Barátnők képei
whitewood estates 

Prickle Pine
Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $50,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: Három személyes garázs, Gyönyörű dekoráció
prickle pine 

Redsands West
Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $30,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: Egy férőhelyes garázs, Barátnők képei
redsands west 

Pirates In Men’s Pants
Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $6,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-
pirates in mens 

The Camel’s Toe
Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $6,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-
the camel toe 

Rockshore West
Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $20,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: Egy férőhelyes garázs, Barátnők képei
rockshore west 

The Clown’s Pocket
Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $6,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-
the clown pocket 

Old Venturas Strip
Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $6,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-
old venturas trips 

Megtalálhatóság: –
Ár: $10,000
Speciális tulajdonságok: -=Nincs=-

GTA Vice City Gangs

In Los Santos, each band has a unique hand sign, which is in fact a graffiti of their own “creation”, painted on fences, houses, bridges, tunnels, to show that they are the masters. Now our job would be to paint over the graffiti of the other bands, Ballas and Vagos, with our own, the Grove Street Families graffiti. But to start the repainting business, we first need to get to the “Tagging Up Turf” mission, where our friend Ryder introduces us to the mysteries of spray painting and gives us a spray paint. Since we have to do at least five graffiti repaintings in the Tagging Up Turf mission, we only really have to scribble 96 of them on the streets of Los Santos. There are 100pcs of these tags in the game, and after each tag is painted, our respect value increases by one. These graffiti count towards the game, so it’s pretty important to get them done, but don’t feel too bad because after painting all the graffiti, you’ll get the following gifts: an AK-47, a Tec-9, a sawed-off shotgun, and a Molotov cocktail in your hideouts and shelters. Let’s look at where these graffiti can be found:

Much like the real NYC, the sale and ownership of firearms in Liberty City is pretty much illegal. But just as it is with real life gangsters and such, Niko and friends don’t seem to mind breaking the law in order to arm themselves. Keeping in line with the political reality satirized by the game, the Ammu-Nation shops found in previous GTAs have been closed down. Taking their place, however, are a number of underground gun shops located in basements and alleys around the city. Better yet, if you gain enough respect from Little Jacob, you can call him up and he’ll meet you nearby with a trunk full of weapons at a reduced price.



Basis:Glock 17
Capacity:17Reload:2 sec
Damage:25Rate:200 rpm

Developed in the ’80s by Austrian engineer, Gaston Glock, the eponymous pistol went on to become the world’s most popular civilian and law enforcement sidearm. Thanks to its polymer frame and simple, internal striker-fired mechanism, the Glock is both lightweight and extremely durable.

Combat Pistol

Combat Pistol

Basis:Desert Eagle
Capacity:9Reload:2 sec
Damage:40Rate:200 rpm

In 1979, Magnum Research Inc. set out to create the first gas-operated, magnum-caliber pistol. While the end product is generally considered too heavy and expensive to serve as a practical combat pistol, it hasn’t stopped the Desert Eagle from becoming the weapon of choice for Hollywood (and video game) bad guys.



Basis:Micro Uzi
Capacity:50Reload:2.2 sec
Damage:20Rate:650 rpm

The smallest member of the Uzi family was introduced by Israel Military Industries in 1986 as a security weapon to fill the gap between pistols and fill-size submachine guns. It lacks a bit in the accuracy department due to its short barrel, but the extreme rate of fire and capacity make up the difference.



Basis:SW MP-10
Capacity:30Reload:1.7 sec
Damage:20Rate:650 rpm

The Special Weapons MP-10 (also known as the PXP-10) is essentially an MP5 clone with a custom polymer upper. Not much is really known about it, as it’s apparently made in very small numbers by an equally small and mysterious company.

Pump Shotgun

Pump Shotgun

Basis:Winchester 1300
Capacity:8Reload:2.9 sec
Damage:20*Rate:50 rpm

Based roughly on the classic Remington model 870, the Winchester 1300 line is also known as the “Speed Pump” series thanks to the short, fast cycling of the action. This feature has made the shotgun popular for both sporting and security purposes.

Combat Shotgun

Combat Shotgun

Basis:Beretta 1201 (?)
Capacity:10Reload:2.9 sec
Damage:10*Rate:150 rpm

This seems to be based on the Baretta 1201 FP, but with the barrel of a military Remington 870..

Assault Rifle

Assault Rifle

Capacity:30Reload:2.1 sec
Damage:30Rate:450 rpm

Even after sixty years, Mikhail Kalashnikov’s legendary AK-47 rifle is still a hard act to follow; both in reliability and popularity. Created with mass production in mind, the simple design and loose clearances resulted in a rifle that’s practically indestructible, and that will remain functional with little maintenance or cleaning.

Carbine Rifle


Basis:M4 Carbine
Capacity:30Reload:2.1 sec
Damage:30Rate:450 rpm

Despite some teething problems with the earlier M16 variant during the Vietnam War, Eugene Stoner’s 1958 AR-15 design went on to become one of the most popular and versatile rifles in the world. Given its light weight and compact size, the M4 carbine comes in handy for urban combat and police work.

Sniper Rifle

Sniper Rifle

Capacity:5Reload:1.3 sec
Damage:75Rate:55 rpm

The M40A1 started its life as a Remington 700, and was then customized by the US Marine Corps to fit their sniping needs. Strangely enough, the one in the game appears to have been further customized to use an external 10 round magazine, yet it only holds 5.

Combat Sniper

Capacity:10Reload:2.1 sec
Damage:75Rate:170 rpm

The PSG-1 is one of the most accurate, yet heaviest and most expensive semi-automatic sniper rifles created. An overpriced piece of stamped steel German engineering; it does the job. You’ll have too much money to ever spend by the end of the game anyway.



Capacity:1Reload:2.1 sec

This classic anti-tank, rocket propelled grenade launcher was first used by the Soviets back in 1961. It’s remained popular ever since because of its durability and low cost.






Basis:Mk2 grenade







* Damage stats seem to work on a per projectile basis. Since buckshot spreads, actual damage would depend on the number of particles which hit the target.

1) Pouličný gang

Šéf: neznámi

Auto: Gang BurritoPopis: Toto je dosť výtržnický gang. Majú doničené a potaggované steni a staré potaggované dodávky. Majú radi drogy.
Výskyt: Prawn Island
Zbrane: peste, colt 45

2) Haitský gang

Šéf: Auntie Paulet
Auto: Voodoo
Popis: Tento gang je dosť obávaný. V neskorších fázach hry vás začnú nenávidieť a budú na vás agresivný. Bojujú hlavne proti Kubánskemu gangu a zo začiatku vládali ich územia.
Výskyt: Little Haiti
Zbrane: peste, colt 45

3) Kubánsky gang

Šéf: Umberto Robina
Auto: Cuban Hermes
Popis: Tento gang bojuje s Haitskym gangom. Spravíte pre ních aj niekoľko misií ale po ich dokončení vás začne Haitsky gang nenávidieť. Môžete si nasadiť aj ich oblek (čím pochopitelne vyprovokujete haiťanov).
Výskyt: Little Havana
Zbrane: peste, colt 45

4) Diazov gang

Šéf: Richardo Diaz
Auto: žiadne
Popis: Tento gang patrí tomu kto prebral váš kšeft a kvoli tomu musíte hladať tie peniaze. Motá sa v okolí Diazovej vily aby ho ochraňovali. Pre začiatok budete pre ich cholerického šéfa pracovať ale keď zistíte že vás okradol o milióny tak ho spolu s Lancom zabijete. Tento gang neskôr úplne zanikne a nenájdete ho nikde.
Výskyt: Starfish island, Diaz´s Mansion a neskôr nikde.
Zbrane: Uzi, colt 45

5) Vercetti gang

Šéf: Tommy Vercetti (váš hlavný hrdina v hre)
Auto: žiadne
Popis: Toto je váš gang. Nachádza sa v okolí vaších nehnuteľností a vily. Po 100% dohratí hry si budete môcť najať troch členov ako bodyguardov.
Výskyt: Vercetti masion, Starfish island, Viceport, Little Haiti, Little Havana, Prawn Island
Zbrane: Uzi, colt 45

6) Golfisti

Šéf gangu: neznámi
Auto: Caddy
Popis: Tento nie docela gang nájdete vždy poobede v Leaf Links kde hrajú golf. Len tak sa vás nezlaknú takže bacha pri ich okrádaní.
Výskyt: Leaf Links´s
Zbrane: peste, golfová palica

7) Security DBC

Šéf: neznámi
Auto: Baggage Handler, Securicar
Popis: No je to skôr opak gangu. Chránia občanov ale poliši ich neznášajú.
Výskyt: Bohatšie štvrte
Zbrane: colt 45

8) Cortezov gang

Šéf: Colonel Cortez
Auto: plukovníková jachta
Popis: Tento gang ochraňuje Corteza a su to aj jeho námorníci. Škoda že sa s nimi stretnete iba v misii “All Hands on Deck!”.
Výskyt: plukovníková jachta
Zbrane: colt 45, ruger

9) Motorkári

Šéf: Big Mitch Baker
Auto: Angel
Popis: Títo bikeri jazdia na motorkách. Sú drsný a neskor sa váš hrdina stane aj členom ich partie. Radi sa zdržiavajú v krčme kde si chodíte ku ich šéfovi pre úlohy.
Výskyt: Downtown
Zbrane: colt 45, peste 

GTA 4 Characters

Main Characters

Proudly introducing an all-new cast of unsavoury miscreants.

Niko Bellic


Voiced by Michael Hollick.

“Life is complicated. I killed people. Smuggled people. Sold people. Perhaps here, things will be different.”

Grand Theft Auto IV’s protagonist, Niko Bellic, is an ex-soldier from Eastern Europe who moved to Liberty City to escape his past and pursue the “American Dream.” Niko was persuaded to move by his cousin Roman, who claimed to be living there with beautiful women, sports cars and lots of money. It soon becomes apparent, however, that Roman lied in order to cover up his own failures in life – the truth is he runs a failing taxi business, has mounting debts, and various criminals from Liberty City’s underworld have put a price on his head. Niko also has other motivations for moving to Liberty City, which are revealed as the story unfolds.


Voiced by Jason Zumwalt.

Roman is Niko’s cousin, and has lived in Liberty City for fifteen years. He is an optimist, a fantasist, and a liar, and he brought Niko to Liberty City with false promises. At the beginning of the game, Roman serves as your only friend and as your only connection in the story. He runs a failing taxi business in a converted industrial garage in Broker. If you maintain a good relationship with Roman during the game, eventually he will provide a free taxi service for Niko.


Voiced by Coolie Ranx.

Little Jacob is a Jamaican arms dealer from Dukes, and one of Niko’s many associates. He talks with a thick heavy Jamaican accent, and will provide discounted weapons to Niko for maintaining a good friendship. Jacob becomes a trusted friend of Niko’s as the story progresses.


Voiced by Timothy Adams.

Fitness enthusiast, car nut, and self appointed VIP. Brucie thinks very highly of himself. He is a man brimming with confidence, who isn’t afraid to make himself heard. He lives a lavish lifestyle, with nothing but the finest women, cars and lifestyle accessories. If you maintain a good friendship with Brucie, eventually he will offer a free helicopter service to Niko.


Voiced by Elena Harvey Hurst.

Mallorie Bardas is dating Roman Bellic, Niko’s cousin, but their relationship together is far from perfect – mainly due to Roman’s incompetence. Mallorie grew up in Bohan, and there are suspicions early in the game that she could be having an affair with another character.


Voiced by Misha Kuznetsov.

Russian-born money lender, bully, top international businessman, and patron of the bar Comrades. Vlad sees himself as an intimidating character with a lot of influence over how the town is run, but the reality is he is a low level Russian criminal who is trying to win respect amongst the bigger boys in town. Vlad works for Mikhail Faustin.


Voiced by Moti Margolin.

Dimitri is one of the hardcore Eastern European characters that you encounter early in the game. He is an associate of Mikhail Faustin, and goes on to become one of the key figures in the storyline. Dimitri and Faustin “are like brothers” and have known each other for a long time, but Faustin’s recent drug addiction (and subsequent paranoia) has soured their friendship.


Voiced by Karel Roden.

Mikhail Faustin is a powerful and commanding figure in Liberty City, particularly in the Hove Beach area. He runs the area with an iron fist, and doesn’t like to be told what to do. In the first section of the story, Niko develops a working relationship with Faustin and his associates, Dimitri and Vlad. He stays in Beachgate with his wife Ileyna.


Voiced by Ryan Johnston.

Patrick “Packie” McReary is an Irish hoodlum who is related to bent cop Francis McReary, as well as the other McReary brothers – Gerry and Derrick. The McReary family used to have a lot of power and respect in Liberty City, but recently they have fallen out of the picture and only a few of them remain. Packie lives in Dukes with his mother and his sister, Kate.


Voiced by Mary Catherine Donnelly.

Kate is said to be the only genuinely good member of the McReary family. You meet Kate (initially) in the second section of the storyline, after being introduced by Packie, and she eventually goes on to become Niko’s girlfriend.


Voiced by Thomas Lyons.

Francis McReary is a corrupt police officer who has dirt on Niko’s past. He knows about a felony Niko committed, and threatens to expose it unless Niko does some work for him. Francis is part of the McReary family, but his brothers – Gerry, Packie and Derrick – don’t approve of his cop status and rarely keep in touch with him. He’s very independent from the rest of the family.


Voiced by P.J. Sosko.

Gerry is essentially the head of the McReary crime family. He calls all the shots, and is the main representative of the family. The McReary family are currently doing work for the Pegorino family in Alderney, work which involves sabotaging a rival family known as the Ancelottis.


Voiced by Berto Colon.

Manny Escuela is an ex-gangster from South Bohan, who managed to transform his life and put his troubled past behind him. Now he is trying to help others do the same, and is determined to clean up the neighbourhood, the kids, and the streets of Liberty City, by leading the “St. Mary’s Community Project.” He is currently having a documentary made about himself, to record his struggle in the community.


Voiced by Charlie Parker.

Elizabeta has been a successful drug dealer in Bohan for more than ten years. Her success is due mainly to the fact that she tends to keep her business low-key, while paying off or ordering the killings of the right people. A crackdown on drug dealing has increased the level of pressure on Elizabeta, as police begin to focus more on her activities. She has recently developed a drug addiction, which is making her dangerously paranoid and delusional.


Voiced by Postell Pringle.

Playboy X is a hustler, who was introduced to Niko by Elizabeta. He owns a large penthouse suite in Algonquin, where much of his business is conducted from. He requires Niko to do several jobs for him. Playboy used to do business with a friend called Dwayne Forge, who was recently released from prison, but Playboy has since moved on without him.


Voiced by Devin Richards.

Dwayne Forge is an old friend of Playboy X who recently got out of prison. He fears that Playboy has moved on in the world and left him (and the street life) behind. Playboy seems to have very little time for him anymore, which greatly bothers Dwayne as they were once like brothers together. There is a growing tension between the pair as the story progresses.


Voiced by Joe Barbara.

Ray Boccino is an Italian mobster (working for Jimmy Pegorino) who is trying to help Niko find someone. Boccino does business with the McReary family, and was introduced to Niko by Packie. In return for helping Niko find someone, Ray needs him to run some errands and help him with some mafia business. Ray only seems to care about himself.


Voiced by Frank Bonsangue.

Phil Bell is an Alderney businessman and mafia goon. He agrees to help Niko look for someone, but in return Niko must run some errands for the mafia. Phil is a close associate of Ray Boccino, and provides work for Niko in the third chapter of the storyline. Phil is very paranoid and therefore very cautious.


Voiced by Tony Patellis.

Phil Bell is so impressed with Niko’s work that he recommends him to his boss, Jimmy Pegorino.

They’ve already “recreated” the GTA 6 trailer in the original Vice City

21 years is a long time in gaming, as this video comparing GTA 6 and Vice City proves.

While we’ve been back to Liberty City several times, the last time we visited Vice City, which was modelled on Miami, was in 2006 in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. It was a logical move by Rockstar Games to make it the central setting for Grand Theft Auto VI, both to caress the souls of long-time fans and to set the action in a state where something happens every day that wouldn’t be out of place in a GTA.

We wish it weren’t, but the woman twerking on the roof of the car, the alligator crawling around the shop and being fished out of the pool, the man naked in his garden, the nice lady attacking with hammers, the mud bathing and the ‘Florida Joker’ are all real, as GameSpot’s video shows.

Nearly 100 million people have already seen the most anticipated trailer of the last 10 years, and of course some of them are creating it, such as the FGS channel, which has made a comparison, “recreating” some elements of the GTA 6 trailer in the original Vice City, beyond a point of being quite free.

It’s a good indication of how much time has passed since Vice City was released. Will we find references to Tommy Vercetti and his friends?