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Given the choice, who will you start Grand Theft Auto 6 with: Jason or Lucia?

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Grand Theft Auto 6 will really look like the trailer

The trailer for GTA 6 looked amazing, didn’t it? We’ve been looking for our chins ever since, and now they’ve dropped even lower, thanks to a statement from an ex-Rockstar employee that what we saw was not only a teaser, but that the game will look like one.

On 5 December, Rockstar Games released the trailer for its latest creation, confirming that GTA VI will be available to play in 2025, if all goes well. The video has been incredibly popular and even beat MrBeast on YouTube, but what’s really interesting is what an ex-Rockstar player said recently.

The VG247 staff spotted the video by York Reacts, who himself worked on the latest GTA installment as an animator. As you’d expect, he was first amazed by the imitation of the people of Florida, and then talked a bit about his experience with GTA V. Finally, he analysed the video in parts:

According to him, all we see is the in-game footage, all the transfer videos have been done in-game. Rockstar doesn’t like to hype up their videos, and if they can, they use the same engine they use for the game to solve the trailers and walkthroughs.

“A lot of the time we just see a cinematic. This is not. When we play with this, it will look like this. This is exactly what it’s going to look like. It’s going to be incredible. I can’t wait.”

York Reacts

The game will arrive sometime in 2025 and is currently only announced for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

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